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Replenish your skin with AHAVA products from the Dead Sea

The Dead Sea – a salt lake between Israel and Jordan – has long been a source of fascination. Its waters contain remarkable concentrations of many different minerals, including magnesium and calcium. In fact, mineral concentrations in the Dead Sea reach 34%, ten times more than any other lake, sea, or ocean in the world. Many of these dissolved minerals have important skin health properties.

The remarkable properties of these minerals have been known since ancient times; today, a more scientific approach is revealing the health benefits of products derived from the Dead Sea. AHAVA has leveraged the renowned benefits of Dead Sea minerals, mud and botanicals to produce high quality skincare products.   

Whereas many brands claim the benefits of Dead Sea benefits for their products, AHAVA is the only brand which is 100% authentic to the region. In every sense, AHAVA is the true home of this premium skincare brand.

AHAVA – founded on science

Established in 1988, AHAVA has adopted a scientific approach to evaluating and understanding the dermalogical benefits of the area’s minerals, mud and plants.

Not only does this ensure the purity of each product, but it also imbues AHAVA skincare with a genuine sense of place, and enables the company’s scientists to observe the changing moods and seasons of the Dead Sea, making them acutely aware of the potential of these unique waters, and of our responsibility towards these unforgiving but bountiful ecosystems.

As a company, AHAVA is mindful of their responsibilities to the Dead Sea, and to the consumers who count on them for exceptional beauty products.

Science and nature combined

The inhouse research and development (R&D) team at AHAVA has been able to harness the unique powers of Dead Sea minerals. Their commitment to innovation is reflected in the number of patents held by the company, and in the testimony of AHAVA customers who have experienced the AHAVA effect in terms of skin strengthening and rejuvenation.

The power of nature is embraced not just in the use of local minerals, but in the manufacturing process itself. Minerals are liberated from the water through the use of natural solar evaporation - the Dead Sea region is sunny and hot year-round, with an average of 192 days per year where the temperature exceeds 30°C (86°F).

This process of evaporation creates AHAVA’s signature Osmoter™ mineral blend – a potent yet balanced combination of Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and Calcium. These are some of the most important minerals for maintaining healthy skin by drawing deep-seated moisture to the surface of the skin. In other words, your skin is activated from within.

Every drop counts

Operating in such a water-scarce environment has made AHAVA acutely conscious of the importance of moisture, both in terms of skin care and as a key component of a healthy ecosystem. The company is committed to helping preserve the delicate ecological balance of the Dead Sea and has developed an innovative natural wastewater management system to ensure this.

To learn more about AHAVA skincare and the remarkable Dead Sea, visit About AHAVA® Dead Sea Mineral Skincare Products – AHAVA USA

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