Latest Brand Ambassador

Going places

Wherever I travel in the world, I always look forward to visiting the DRC and Kenya. There’s an energy here, a sense of opportunity. I won’t deny it – it’s exciting. I love the transformation that’s taking place as people grow in confidence and learn to express themselves in ways that uniquely Congolese and Kenyan.

The eye of the beholder


From the golden savannah and white beaches of Kenya to the DRC’s lush rainforest and mighty rivers, you don’t have to look far to find beauty. But for me it’s the cities where it’s at, and in Kinshasa and Nairobi we have two of Africa’s most happening metropolises.

I’m talking about the vibe you get when millions of young people come together, and hustle to make money. I love seeing how they’ve become as confident about spending it as they are about making it.

Eternal youth


Spending time with young Congolese and Kenyans is really inspiring. They’re optimistic, connected and ambitious, and they’re driving economic growth. They know what’s important to them, and they’re prepared to spend money to get it.

The rest of Africa is looking to the DRC and Kenya for leadership in so many vital areas: business, digitisation, and lifestyle. Kinshasa and Nairobi have always been hubs for music, art and fashion, and now they’re leveraging that power to transform Africa.

Today’s young people are turning society on its head – they’re the ones who are fearlessly leading us forward. By connecting with their peers around the globe, they’re being exposed to new ideas and new ways of doing things. At the same time, they are sharing our colours, flavours and sounds with the world.

A brighter future

The 20th Century was a turbulent one for much of Africa, but much of today’s generation was born into more positive times. Africa is once again taking its rightful place on the world stage, and this time, we’re choosing what we export and keeping control of our riches.

I’m incredibly excited to be a young African in 2021 – and you should be too. This is our time – a time of promise. It’s never been easier to be yourself, and to connect with other people who are doing the same. That’s one of the best things about living and working in this part of Africa, and I find it massively inspiring.

Find a job you love

It’s also what makes being a Luxico brand ambassador so exciting. Luxico is a company that shares my passion for creativity and luxury, and they’re determined to bring leading brands to more and more people in Kenya, the DRC and beyond.

Luxico is globally connected, but they can trace their origins all the way back to Kinshasa. They’ve been meeting the lifestyle needs of trendy young Congolese and Kenyans for generations, but they’re not stuck in the past. Rather, they’re constantly looking for the next big thing, and it was their Afro-optimism that convinced me that we would be a perfect fit.

Luxico believes in the DRC and Kenya every bit as much as I do, and that shows through in everything they do.

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